Beginning Programming with Java

(JAVA-BASIC.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-518-3
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

The Beginning Programming with Java course helps you explore the fundamental concepts of programming using Java, one of the most versatile and widely-used programming languages in the industry. From basic syntax and data types to object-oriented programming principles, you will build a solid understanding of Java programming that will serve as a strong foundation for your future endeavors. The course covers the key areas such as: Introduction to Java, Basic Syntax and Data Types, Object-Oriented Programming, Exception Handling, File Handling, Graphical User Interface (GUI) Development and Introduction to Data Structures.

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

23+ Interactive Lessons | 26+ Exercises | 117+ Quizzes | 57+ Flashcards | 57+ Glossary of terms

Hands-On Labs

24+ LiveLab | 23+ Video tutorials | 01:11+ Hours



  • About This Course
  • General Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course

The Big Picture

  • What’s It All About?
  • From Your Mind to the Computer’s Processor
  • Your Java Programming Toolset

Setting Up Your Computer

  • Let's Get Started
  • If You Need More Details …
  • What's Next?

Running Programs

  • Running a Canned Java Program
  • Some Programs Don't Come in Cans
  • What's All That Stuff in the IntelliJ IDEA Window?

Exploring the Parts of a Program

  • Checking Out Java Code for the First Time
  • The Elements in a Java Program
  • Understanding a Simple Java Program

Composing a Program

  • Computers Are Stupid
  • Building an Echo Chamber
  • Make IntelliJ Do All the Work
  • Expecting the Unexpected

Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types

  • Various Variables and Ways in Which They Vary
  • What Do All Those Zeros and Ones Mean?
  • Reading Decimal Numbers from the Keyboard
  • Variations on a Theme
  • Experimenting with JShell

Numbers and Types

  • Using Whole Numbers
  • Creating New Values by Applying Operators
  • Size Matters

Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

  • A Brief Character Study
  • The Moment of Truth (and Falsehood)
  • The Remaining Primitive Types

Forks in the Road

  • Decisions, Decisions!
  • Making Decisions (Java if Statements)
  • Variations on the Theme

Which Way Did He Go?

  • Forming Bigger and Better Conditions
  • Building a Nest
  • Enumerating the Possibilities
  • When One Line Isn't Enough

Around and Around It Goes

  • Repeating Instructions Again and Again and Again and Again
  • Where Does Each Statement Belong?
  • Priming the Pump

Circling Back to Java Loops

  • Repeating Statements a Certain Number of Times (Java for Statements)
  • Repeating Until You Get What You Need (Java do Statements)

Programming with Objects and Classes

  • The Class Is Always Cleaner
  • From Classes Come Objects
  • Another Way to Think about Classes
  • What's Next?

Using Methods and Fields from a Java Class

  • Long Live the String!
  • Using an Object's Methods
  • How to Achieve Static Equilibrium
  • The View from On High

Creating New Java Methods

  • Defining a Method within a Class
  • Let the Objects Do the Work
  • Passing the Buck
  • Getting a Value from a Method
  • What Next?

Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload

  • Running a Disk-Oriented Program
  • Writing a Disk-Oriented Program
  • Writing, Rewriting, and Re-Rewriting

How to Flick a Virtual Switch

  • Meet the switch Statement
  • A Switch in Time
  • Your Grandparents' switch Statement
  • Using a Conditional Operator

Creating Loops within Loops

  • Paying Your Old Code a Little Visit
  • Nested Development
  • Using Nested for Loops

Out of Many, One

  • Some Loops in Action
  • Reader, Meet Arrays; Arrays, Meet the Reader
  • Working with Arrays
  • Looping in Style
  • When Good Arrays Go Bad
  • What to Do When Arrays Go Awry

Oooey-GUI Was a Worm

  • Put Some Swing in Your Step
  • Drag-and-Drop for GUI Greatness

Ten Useful Classes in the Java API

  • ArrayList
  • File
  • Integer
  • JFrame
  • JOptionPane
  • Math
  • NumberFormat
  • Scanner
  • String
  • System

Ten Bits of Advice for New Software Developers

  • How Long Does It Take to Learn Java?
  • Which of Barry's Books Should I Read?
  • Are Books Other than Barry's Good for Learning Java and Android Development?
  • Which Computer Programming Language(s) Should I Learn?
  • What Skills Other than Computer Coding Should I Learn?
  • How Should I Continue My Learning as a Software Developer?
  • How Else Should I Continue My Learning as a Developer?
  • How Can I Get a Job Developing Software?
  • I Still Don't Know What to Do with My Life
  • If I Have Other Questions, How Can I Contact Barry Burd?


Running Programs

  • Running a Canned Java Program

Exploring the Parts of a Program

  • Printing the Data

Composing a Program

  • Building an Echo Chamber

Using the Building Blocks: Variables, Values, and Types

  • Reading Decimal Numbers from the Keyboard
  • Experimenting with JShell

Numbers and Types

  • Reading Whole Numbers From the Keyboard
  • Finding a Remainder

Numbers? Who Needs Numbers?

  • Making a Word Go Backward

Forks in the Road

  • Using the Java if Statement

Which Way Did He Go?

  • Enumerating the Possibilities

Around and Around It Goes

  • Priming the Loop

Circling Back to Java Loops

  • Deleting a File

Programming with Objects and Classes

  • Creating Several Objects

Using Methods and Fields from a Java Class

  • Putting a Name in String Variable

Creating New Java Methods

  • Calling a Method
  • Getting a Value from a Method

Piles of Files: Dealing with Information Overload

  • Running Disk-Oriented Code

How to Flick a Virtual Switch

  • Using the Switch Statement
  • Using a Conditional Operator

Creating Loops within Loops

  • Interacting with Disk Files Using a Loop

Out of Many, One

  • Using Conditions in a for Loop
  • Storing Occupancy Data in an Array

Oooey-GUI Was a Worm

  • Creating a Window with an Image in It
  • Creating a GUI Window

Beginning Programming with Java

$ 239.99

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