CIW Social Media Strategist certification 1d0-623 exam focuses on the use of social media in business. The certification validates your knowledge of creating a social media campaign and analyzing and presenting data in order to address organizational issues and make appropriate business decisions. Today, if you are not promoting your brand on social media platforms, they are not well represented online. Ignoring social media can decrease your opportunity for interaction with customers, leaders, and marketers, which costs your engagement and web traffic as a whole. In 2014, 92% of marketers claimed that social media marketing was important for their business. 80% of the marketers indicated that their efforts increased traffic to their website.

Here are the main three social media marketing skills that are required in today’s market.
1. Creativity: One of the most critical aspects of social media marketing is creativity. Studies show 21% of social media users unfollow a brand if the content shared is not engaging. To keep your followers attached, marketers will need to find new and engaging ideas every time, creative initiatives, and campaigns. From Facebook contest to viral videos, social media marketers will need to think of innovative ways to stand apart from the millions of others on social media.
2. Content Curation: Content curation plays an important role in social media marketing for the business that does not create new content each time. Content curation tells you when to share, what to share and how to share. It is important that your content is related to the customer so that they give time in reading them.
3. Writing: From creating the Facebook post to crafting your tweet, writing stands as an essential part of a social media marketer’s job profile. If headlines aren’t magnetic or captivating enough, then you can never motivate people to read the article. Social Media Strategist needs to be able to write web content that is easy to skim and visually appealing with headlines, shorter paragraphs, and bullets for increasing the customer engagements.
The CIW Social Media Strategist certification is the fourth credential in the CIW Web and Mobile Design series certification that prepares candidates to take the CIW 1D0-623 cert exam. You can improve your social media marketing skills with the uCertify study guide on CIW Social Media Strategist 1d0-623 certification. This will help you enhance your skills and enhance your career prospects.